魔鬼與我同生 The Reflecting Skin

魔鬼與我同生 The Reflecting Skin, 1990

8.1 1990.09.09上映
英國,加拿大 英語 劇情,驚悚,恐怖 96 分鐘 / 115 分鐘(加拿大)
又一個未被發現的電影怪才,英國導演Philip Ridley只拍了三部影片其中還有一部是短片.這部<魔鬼與我同生>與<The Passion of Darkly Noon>都很喜歡. A young boy tries to cope with rural life circa 1950s and his fantasies become a way to interpret events. After his father tells him stories of vampires, he becomes convinced that the widow up the road is a vampire, and tries to find ways of discouraging his brother from seeing her. He m...